♥ Sunday School is a thrilling place for families to grow in grace and in knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. A balanced age-appropriate program of Bible Series Lessons, prayer, and game/activity time, promote spiritual enrichment and growth for each child.
Our teachers are men and women who lovingly teach biblical principles by godly example. The emphasis of this ministry is to assure that each child hears a clear Gospel presentation and receives Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior at an early age. These early maturing years provide a solid foundation upon which Christian character, dedicated service, and a lifelong pursuit of biblical truth are built.
Sunday School classes for Adults.
Ladies Bible Study Time is spent in Study, Prayer and Fellowship.
Men’s Bible Study is a time to turn our attention to the goodness and power of God.
Sunday School Class (Ages 4 & Up) 

We try to teach focusing their lives on the importance of living for the Lord and not letting the world dictate who or what they should become.
Our prayer for our children, that they remember that living for the Lord and serving Him above any and all is more important than anything that this world can offer them